Z.div_mod_to_equations, Z.quot_rem_to_equations, Z.to_euclidean_division_equations:
the tactics for preprocessing Z.div and Z.modulo, Z.quot and Z.remModule Z.
Lemma mod_0_r_ext x y : y = 0 -> x mod y = x.
Lemma div_0_r_ext x y : y = 0 -> x / y = 0.
Lemma rem_0_r_ext x y : y = 0 -> Z.rem x y = x.
Lemma quot_0_r_ext x y : y = 0 -> Z.quot x y = 0.
Lemma rem_bound_pos_pos x y : 0 < y -> 0 <= x -> 0 <= Z.rem x y < y.
Lemma rem_bound_neg_pos x y : y < 0 -> 0 <= x -> 0 <= Z.rem x y < -y.
Lemma rem_bound_pos_neg x y : 0 < y -> x <= 0 -> -y < Z.rem x y <= 0.
Lemma rem_bound_neg_neg x y : y < 0 -> x <= 0 -> y < Z.rem x y <= 0.
Local Lemma divide_alt x y : Z.divide x y -> exists z, y = x * z.
Ltac div_mod_to_equations_generalize x y :=
pose proof (Z.div_mod x y);
pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x y);
pose proof (Z.mod_neg_bound x y);
pose proof (div_0_r_ext x y);
pose proof (mod_0_r_ext x y);
let q := fresh "q" in
let r := fresh "r" in
set (q := x / y) in *;
set (r := x mod y) in *;
clearbody q r.
Ltac quot_rem_to_equations_generalize x y :=
pose proof (Z.quot_rem' x y);
pose proof (rem_bound_pos_pos x y);
pose proof (rem_bound_pos_neg x y);
pose proof (rem_bound_neg_pos x y);
pose proof (rem_bound_neg_neg x y);
pose proof (quot_0_r_ext x y);
pose proof (rem_0_r_ext x y);
let q := fresh "q" in
let r := fresh "r" in
set (q := Z.quot x y) in *;
set (r := Z.rem x y) in *;
clearbody q r.
Ltac div_mod_to_equations_step :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[?x / ?y] ] => div_mod_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ |- context[?x mod ?y] ] => div_mod_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ H : context[?x / ?y] |- _ ] => div_mod_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ H : context[?x mod ?y] |- _ ] => div_mod_to_equations_generalize x y
Ltac quot_rem_to_equations_step :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[Z.quot ?x ?y] ] => quot_rem_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ |- context[Z.rem ?x ?y] ] => quot_rem_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ H : context[Z.quot ?x ?y] |- _ ] => quot_rem_to_equations_generalize x y
| [ H : context[Z.rem ?x ?y] |- _ ] => quot_rem_to_equations_generalize x y
Ltac divide_to_equations_step :=
match goal with | [ H : Z.divide _ _ |- _ ] => apply divide_alt in H; destruct H end.
Ltac div_mod_to_equations' := repeat div_mod_to_equations_step.
Ltac quot_rem_to_equations' := repeat quot_rem_to_equations_step.
Ltac divide_to_equations' := repeat divide_to_equations_step.
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_cleanup :=
(repeat match goal with
| [ H : 0 <= ?x < _ |- _ ] => destruct H
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ?x <> ?x -> _ |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x < ?x -> _ |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?T -> _, H' : ~?T |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ~?T -> _, H' : ?T |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x <> ?x -> _ |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x < ?x -> _ |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?B -> _, H' : ~?B |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ~?B -> _, H' : ?B |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : 0 < ?x -> _, H' : ?x < 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x < 0 -> _, H' : 0 < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> 0 < ?x -> _, H' : ?x < 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x < 0 -> _, H' : 0 < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : 0 <= ?x -> _, H' : ?x < 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x <= 0 -> _, H' : 0 < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> 0 <= ?x -> _, H' : ?x < 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x <= 0 -> _, H' : 0 < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : 0 < ?x -> _, H' : ?x <= 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x < 0 -> _, H' : 0 <= ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> 0 < ?x -> _, H' : ?x <= 0 |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x < 0 -> _, H' : 0 <= ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x < ?y -> _, H' : ?x = ?y |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x < ?y -> _, H' : ?y = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x < ?y -> _, H' : ?x = ?y |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x < ?y -> _, H' : ?y = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x = ?y -> _, H' : ?x < ?y |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?x = ?y -> _, H' : ?y < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x = ?y -> _, H' : ?x < ?y |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : ?A -> ?x = ?y -> _, H' : ?y < ?x |- _ ] => clear H
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ?x = ?x -> ?Q |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
| [ H : ?T -> ?Q, H' : ?T |- _ ] => specialize (H H')
| [ H : ?A -> ?x = ?x -> ?Q |- _ ] => specialize (fun a => H a eq_refl)
| [ H : ?A -> ?B -> ?Q, H' : ?B |- _ ] => specialize (fun a => H a H')
| [ H : 0 <= ?x -> ?Q, H' : ?x <= 0 |- _ ] => specialize (fun pf => H (@Z.eq_le_incl 0 x (eq_sym pf)))
| [ H : ?A -> 0 <= ?x -> ?Q, H' : ?x <= 0 |- _ ] => specialize (fun a pf => H a (@Z.eq_le_incl 0 x (eq_sym pf)))
| [ H : ?x <= 0 -> ?Q, H' : 0 <= ?x |- _ ] => specialize (fun pf => H (@Z.eq_le_incl 0 x pf))
| [ H : ?A -> ?x <= 0 -> ?Q, H' : 0 <= ?x |- _ ] => specialize (fun a pf => H a (@Z.eq_le_incl x 0 pf))
poses x = y \/ x <> y unless that is redundant or contradictory
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_pose_eq_fact x y :=
assert_fails constr_eq x y;
lazymatch goal with
| [ H : x = y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y = x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x = y \/ x <> y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y = x \/ y <> x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x < y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y < x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x <> y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y <> x |- _ ] => fail
| _ => pose proof (Z.eq_decidable x y : x = y \/ x <> y)
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients_step :=
let pose_eq_fact x y := euclidean_division_equations_pose_eq_fact x y in
match goal with
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1 + _], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1 + _], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?y * ?q2 + _ = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x * ?y = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact x q1
| [ H : context[?y * ?x = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact x q1
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients :=
repeat euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients_step.
Ltac div_mod_to_equations := div_mod_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Ltac quot_rem_to_equations := quot_rem_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Ltac divide_to_equations := divide_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Module euclidean_division_equations_flags.
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
Record t :=
{ find_duplicate_quotients : bool }.
Ltac default_find_duplicate_quotients := constr:(true).
Ltac default :=
let find_duplicate_quotients_value := default_find_duplicate_quotients in
constr:({| find_duplicate_quotients := find_duplicate_quotients_value
Module Import DefaultHelpers.
Ltac try_unify_args x y :=
tryif first [ has_evar x | has_evar y ]
then (tryif unify x y
then idtac
else (lazymatch x with
| ?f ?x
=> lazymatch y with
| ?g ?y
=> try_unify_args f g; try_unify_args x y
| ?y => fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify application" x "with non-application" y
| ?x
=> (tryif has_evar x
then fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify evar-containing non-application" x "with" y
else (tryif has_evar y
then fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify non-application" x "with evar-containing" y
else fail 100 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: Impossible inconsistent state of has_evar in try_unify_args" x y))
else idtac.
End DefaultHelpers.
Ltac flags_with orig_flags proj value :=
let flags := open_constr:(match True return t with _ => ltac:(econstructor) end) in
let __unif := constr:(eq_refl : proj flags = value) in
let __force := lazymatch goal with _ => try_unify_args flags orig_flags end in
Ltac default_with proj value := flags_with default proj value.
Ltac guard_with proj flags tac :=
lazymatch (eval cbv in (proj flags)) with
| true => tac
| false => idtac
| ?v => let ctrue := constr:(true) in
let cfalse := constr:(false) in
fail 0 "Invalid flag value for" proj "in" flags "(got" v "expected" ctrue "or" cfalse ")"
End euclidean_division_equations_flags.
Import euclidean_division_equations_flags (find_duplicate_quotients).
Ltac to_euclidean_division_equations_with flags :=
divide_to_equations'; div_mod_to_equations'; quot_rem_to_equations';
euclidean_division_equations_flags.guard_with find_duplicate_quotients flags euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients.
Ltac to_euclidean_division_equations :=
to_euclidean_division_equations_with euclidean_division_equations_flags.default.
End Z.
From Stdlib Require Import ZifyClasses ZifyInst.
From Stdlib Require Zify.
Ltac Zify.zify_internal_to_euclidean_division_equations ::= Z.to_euclidean_division_equations.
Ltac zify := Zify.zify.
assert_fails constr_eq x y;
lazymatch goal with
| [ H : x = y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y = x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x = y \/ x <> y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y = x \/ y <> x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x < y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y < x |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : x <> y |- _ ] => fail
| [ H : y <> x |- _ ] => fail
| _ => pose proof (Z.eq_decidable x y : x = y \/ x <> y)
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients_step :=
let pose_eq_fact x y := euclidean_division_equations_pose_eq_fact x y in
match goal with
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1 + _], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x = ?y * ?q1 + _], H' : context[?x = ?y * ?q2 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?y * ?q2 + _ = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact q1 q2
| [ H : context[?x * ?y = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact x q1
| [ H : context[?y * ?x = ?y * ?q1 + _] |- _ ] => pose_eq_fact x q1
Ltac euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients :=
repeat euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients_step.
Ltac div_mod_to_equations := div_mod_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Ltac quot_rem_to_equations := quot_rem_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Ltac divide_to_equations := divide_to_equations'; euclidean_division_equations_cleanup.
Module euclidean_division_equations_flags.
#[local] Set Primitive Projections.
Record t :=
{ find_duplicate_quotients : bool }.
Ltac default_find_duplicate_quotients := constr:(true).
Ltac default :=
let find_duplicate_quotients_value := default_find_duplicate_quotients in
constr:({| find_duplicate_quotients := find_duplicate_quotients_value
Module Import DefaultHelpers.
Ltac try_unify_args x y :=
tryif first [ has_evar x | has_evar y ]
then (tryif unify x y
then idtac
else (lazymatch x with
| ?f ?x
=> lazymatch y with
| ?g ?y
=> try_unify_args f g; try_unify_args x y
| ?y => fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify application" x "with non-application" y
| ?x
=> (tryif has_evar x
then fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify evar-containing non-application" x "with" y
else (tryif has_evar y
then fail 0 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: cannot unify non-application" x "with evar-containing" y
else fail 100 "Z.euclidean_division_equations_flags: try_unify_args: Impossible inconsistent state of has_evar in try_unify_args" x y))
else idtac.
End DefaultHelpers.
Ltac flags_with orig_flags proj value :=
let flags := open_constr:(match True return t with _ => ltac:(econstructor) end) in
let __unif := constr:(eq_refl : proj flags = value) in
let __force := lazymatch goal with _ => try_unify_args flags orig_flags end in
Ltac default_with proj value := flags_with default proj value.
Ltac guard_with proj flags tac :=
lazymatch (eval cbv in (proj flags)) with
| true => tac
| false => idtac
| ?v => let ctrue := constr:(true) in
let cfalse := constr:(false) in
fail 0 "Invalid flag value for" proj "in" flags "(got" v "expected" ctrue "or" cfalse ")"
End euclidean_division_equations_flags.
Import euclidean_division_equations_flags (find_duplicate_quotients).
Ltac to_euclidean_division_equations_with flags :=
divide_to_equations'; div_mod_to_equations'; quot_rem_to_equations';
euclidean_division_equations_flags.guard_with find_duplicate_quotients flags euclidean_division_equations_find_duplicate_quotients.
Ltac to_euclidean_division_equations :=
to_euclidean_division_equations_with euclidean_division_equations_flags.default.
End Z.
From Stdlib Require Import ZifyClasses ZifyInst.
From Stdlib Require Zify.
Ltac Zify.zify_internal_to_euclidean_division_equations ::= Z.to_euclidean_division_equations.
Ltac zify := Zify.zify.