Library Coq.Reals.Cauchy.ConstructiveCauchyRealsMult

The multiplication and division of Cauchy reals.
WARNING: this file is experimental and likely to change in future releases.

Require Import QArith Qabs Qround.
Require Import Logic.ConstructiveEpsilon.
Require Export ConstructiveCauchyReals.
Require CMorphisms.

Local Open Scope CReal_scope.

Definition QCauchySeq_bound (qn : positive -> Q) (cvmod : positive -> positive)
  : positive
  := match Qnum (qn (cvmod 1%positive)) with
     | Z0 => 1%positive
     | Z.pos p => p + 1
     | Z.neg p => p + 1

Lemma QCauchySeq_bounded_prop (qn : positive -> Q)
  : QCauchySeq qn
    -> forall n:positive, Qlt (Qabs (qn n)) (Z.pos (QCauchySeq_bound qn id) # 1).

Lemma factorDenom : forall (a:Z) (b d:positive), ((a # (d * b)) == (1#d) * (a#b))%Q.

Lemma CReal_mult_cauchy
  : forall (x y : CReal) (A : positive),
    (forall n : positive, (Qabs (proj1_sig x n) < Z.pos A # 1)%Q)
    -> (forall n : positive, (Qabs (proj1_sig y n) < Z.pos A # 1)%Q)
    -> QCauchySeq (fun n : positive => proj1_sig x (2 * A * n)%positive
                                   * proj1_sig y (2 * A * n)%positive).

Definition CReal_mult (x y : CReal) : CReal.

Infix "*" := CReal_mult : CReal_scope.

Lemma CReal_mult_comm : forall x y : CReal, x * y == y * x.

Lemma CReal_mult_proper_0_l : forall x y : CReal,
    y == 0 -> x * y == 0.

Lemma CReal_mult_0_r : forall r, r * 0 == 0.

Lemma CReal_mult_0_l : forall r, 0 * r == 0.

Lemma CRealLt_0_aboveSig : forall (x : CReal) (n : positive),
    Qlt (2 # n) (proj1_sig x n)
    -> forall p:positive,
      Pos.le n p -> Qlt (1 # n) (proj1_sig x p).

Lemma CReal_mult_lt_0_compat_correct
  : forall (x y : CReal) (H : 0 < x) (H0 : 0 < y),
    (2 # 2 * proj1_sig H * proj1_sig H0 <
     proj1_sig (x * y)%CReal (2 * proj1_sig H * proj1_sig H0)%positive -
     proj1_sig (inject_Q 0) (2 * proj1_sig H * proj1_sig H0)%positive)%Q.

Definition CReal_mult_lt_0_compat : forall x y : CReal,
    0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x * y
  := fun x y H H0 => exist _ (2 * proj1_sig H * proj1_sig H0)%positive
                           x y H H0).

Lemma CReal_mult_bound_indep
  : forall (x y : CReal) (A : positive)
      (xbound : forall n : positive, (Qabs (proj1_sig x n) < Z.pos A # 1)%Q)
      (ybound : forall n : positive, (Qabs (proj1_sig y n) < Z.pos A # 1)%Q),
    x * y == exist _
                   (fun n : positive => proj1_sig x (2 * A * n)%positive
                                     * proj1_sig y (2 * A * n)%positive)%Q
                   (CReal_mult_cauchy x y A xbound ybound).

Lemma CReal_mult_plus_distr_l : forall r1 r2 r3 : CReal,
    r1 * (r2 + r3) == (r1 * r2) + (r1 * r3).

Lemma CReal_mult_plus_distr_r : forall r1 r2 r3 : CReal,
    (r2 + r3) * r1 == (r2 * r1) + (r3 * r1).

Lemma CReal_opp_mult_distr_r
  : forall r1 r2 : CReal, - (r1 * r2) == r1 * (- r2).

Lemma CReal_mult_proper_l : forall x y z : CReal,
    y == z -> x * y == x * z.

Lemma CReal_mult_proper_r : forall x y z : CReal,
    y == z -> y * x == z * x.

Lemma CReal_mult_assoc : forall x y z : CReal, (x * y) * z == x * (y * z).

Lemma CReal_mult_1_l : forall r: CReal, 1 * r == r.

Lemma CReal_isRingExt : ring_eq_ext CReal_plus CReal_mult CReal_opp CRealEq.

Lemma CReal_isRing : ring_theory (inject_Q 0) (inject_Q 1)
                                 CReal_plus CReal_mult
                                 CReal_minus CReal_opp

Add Parametric Morphism : CReal_mult
    with signature CRealEq ==> CRealEq ==> CRealEq
      as CReal_mult_morph.

Instance CReal_mult_morph_T
  : CMorphisms.Proper
      (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq CRealEq)) CReal_mult.

Add Parametric Morphism : CReal_opp
    with signature CRealEq ==> CRealEq
      as CReal_opp_morph.

Instance CReal_opp_morph_T
  : CMorphisms.Proper
      (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq CRealEq) CReal_opp.

Add Parametric Morphism : CReal_minus
    with signature CRealEq ==> CRealEq ==> CRealEq
      as CReal_minus_morph.

Instance CReal_minus_morph_T
  : CMorphisms.Proper
      (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq CRealEq)) CReal_minus.

Add Ring CRealRing : CReal_isRing.

Lemma CReal_mult_1_r : forall r, r * 1 == r.

Lemma CReal_opp_mult_distr_l
  : forall r1 r2 : CReal, - (r1 * r2) == (- r1) * r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_lt_compat_l : forall x y z : CReal,
    0 < x -> y < z -> x*y < x*z.

Lemma CReal_mult_lt_compat_r : forall x y z : CReal,
    0 < x -> y < z -> y*x < z*x.

Lemma CReal_mult_eq_reg_l : forall (r r1 r2 : CReal),
    r # 0
    -> r * r1 == r * r2
    -> r1 == r2.

Lemma CReal_abs_appart_zero : forall (x : CReal) (n : positive),
    Qlt (2#n) (Qabs (proj1_sig x n))
    -> 0 # x.


Lemma CRealArchimedean
  : forall x:CReal, { n:Z & x < inject_Q (n#1) < x+2 }.

Definition Rup_pos (x : CReal)
  : { n : positive & x < inject_Q (Z.pos n # 1) }.

Lemma CRealLtDisjunctEpsilon : forall a b c d : CReal,
    (CRealLtProp a b \/ CRealLtProp c d) -> CRealLt a b + CRealLt c d.

Lemma CRealPosShift_correct
  : forall (x : CReal) (xPos : 0 < x) (n : positive),
    Pos.le (proj1_sig xPos) n
    -> Qlt (1 # proj1_sig xPos) (proj1_sig x n).

Lemma CReal_inv_pos_cauchy
  : forall (x : CReal) (xPos : 0 < x) (k : positive),
    (forall n:positive, Pos.le k n -> Qlt (1 # k) (proj1_sig x n))
    -> QCauchySeq (fun n : positive => / proj1_sig x (k ^ 2 * n)%positive).

Definition CReal_inv_pos (x : CReal) (xPos : 0 < x) : CReal
  := exist _
           (fun n : positive => / proj1_sig x (proj1_sig xPos ^ 2 * n)%positive)
              x xPos (proj1_sig xPos) (CRealPosShift_correct x xPos)).

Definition CReal_neg_lt_pos : forall x : CReal, x < 0 -> 0 < -x.

Definition CReal_inv (x : CReal) (xnz : x # 0) : CReal
  := match xnz with
     | inl xNeg => - CReal_inv_pos (-x) (CReal_neg_lt_pos x xNeg)
     | inr xPos => CReal_inv_pos x xPos

Notation "/ x" := (CReal_inv x) (at level 35, right associativity) : CReal_scope.

Lemma CReal_inv_0_lt_compat
  : forall (r : CReal) (rnz : r # 0),
    0 < r -> 0 < ((/ r) rnz).

Lemma CReal_linear_shift : forall (x : CReal) (k : positive),
    QCauchySeq (fun n => proj1_sig x (k * n)%positive).

Lemma CReal_linear_shift_eq : forall (x : CReal) (k : positive),
    x ==
    (exist (fun n : positive -> Q => QCauchySeq n)
           (fun n : positive => proj1_sig x (k * n)%positive) (CReal_linear_shift x k)).

Lemma CReal_inv_l_pos : forall (r:CReal) (rnz : 0 < r),
    (CReal_inv_pos r rnz) * r == 1.

Lemma CReal_inv_l : forall (r:CReal) (rnz : r # 0),
        ((/ r) rnz) * r == 1.

Lemma CReal_inv_r : forall (r:CReal) (rnz : r # 0),
    r * ((/ r) rnz) == 1.

Lemma CReal_inv_1 : forall nz : 1 # 0, (/ 1) nz == 1.

Lemma CReal_inv_mult_distr :
  forall r1 r2 (r1nz : r1 # 0) (r2nz : r2 # 0) (rmnz : (r1*r2) # 0),
    (/ (r1 * r2)) rmnz == (/ r1) r1nz * (/ r2) r2nz.

Lemma Rinv_eq_compat : forall x y (rxnz : x # 0) (rynz : y # 0),
    x == y
    -> (/ x) rxnz == (/ y) rynz.

Lemma CReal_mult_lt_reg_l : forall r r1 r2, 0 < r -> r * r1 < r * r2 -> r1 < r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_lt_reg_r : forall r r1 r2, 0 < r -> r1 * r < r2 * r -> r1 < r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_eq_reg_r : forall r r1 r2, r1 * r == r2 * r -> r # 0 -> r1 == r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_eq_compat_l : forall r r1 r2, r1 == r2 -> r * r1 == r * r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_eq_compat_r : forall r r1 r2, r1 == r2 -> r1 * r == r2 * r.

Lemma CReal_mult_pos_appart_zero : forall x y : CReal, 0 < x * y -> 0 # x.

Fixpoint pow (r:CReal) (n:nat) : CReal :=
  match n with
    | O => 1
    | S n => r * (pow r n)

Lemma CReal_mult_le_compat_l_half : forall r r1 r2,
    0 < r -> r1 <= r2 -> r * r1 <= r * r2.

Lemma CReal_invQ : forall (b : positive) (pos : Qlt 0 (Z.pos b # 1)),
    CReal_inv (inject_Q (Z.pos b # 1)) (inr (CReal_injectQPos (Z.pos b # 1) pos))
    == inject_Q (1 # b).

Definition CRealQ_dense (a b : CReal)
  : a < b -> { q : Q & a < inject_Q q < b }.

Lemma inject_Q_mult : forall q r : Q,
    inject_Q (q * r) == inject_Q q * inject_Q r.

Definition Rup_nat (x : CReal)
  : { n : nat & x < inject_Q (Z.of_nat n #1) }.

Lemma CReal_mult_le_0_compat : forall (a b : CReal),
    0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a * b.

Lemma CReal_mult_le_compat_l : forall (r r1 r2:CReal),
    0 <= r -> r1 <= r2 -> r * r1 <= r * r2.

Lemma CReal_mult_le_compat_r : forall (r r1 r2:CReal),
    0 <= r -> r1 <= r2 -> r1 * r <= r2 * r.

Lemma CReal_mult_le_reg_l :
  forall x y z : CReal,
    0 < x -> x * y <= x * z -> y <= z.

Lemma CReal_mult_le_reg_r :
  forall x y z : CReal,
    0 < x -> y * x <= z * x -> y <= z.