Library Coq.romega.ReflOmegaCore
Require Import List Bool Sumbool EqNat Setoid Ring_theory Decidable ZArith_base.
Delimit Scope Int_scope with I.
Module Type Int.
Parameter t : Set.
Parameter Inline zero : t.
Parameter Inline one : t.
Parameter Inline plus : t -> t -> t.
Parameter Inline opp : t -> t.
Parameter Inline minus : t -> t -> t.
Parameter Inline mult : t -> t -> t.
Notation "0" := zero : Int_scope.
Notation "1" := one : Int_scope.
Infix "+" := plus : Int_scope.
Infix "-" := minus : Int_scope.
Infix "*" := mult : Int_scope.
Notation "- x" := (opp x) : Int_scope.
Open Scope Int_scope.
First, Int is a ring:
Int should also be ordered:
Parameter Inline le : t -> t -> Prop.
Parameter Inline lt : t -> t -> Prop.
Parameter Inline ge : t -> t -> Prop.
Parameter Inline gt : t -> t -> Prop.
Notation "x <= y" := (le x y): Int_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) : Int_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (ge x y) : Int_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (gt x y): Int_scope.
Axiom le_lt_iff : forall i j, (i<=j) <-> ~(j<i).
Axiom ge_le_iff : forall i j, (i>=j) <-> (j<=i).
Axiom gt_lt_iff : forall i j, (i>j) <-> (j<i).
Basic properties of this order
Axiom lt_0_1 : 0<1.
Axiom plus_le_compat : forall i j k l, i<=j -> k<=l -> i+k<=j+l.
Axiom opp_le_compat : forall i j, i<=j -> (-j)<=(-i).
Axiom mult_lt_compat_l :
forall i j k, 0 < k -> i < j -> k*i<k*j.
Axiom plus_le_compat : forall i j k l, i<=j -> k<=l -> i+k<=j+l.
Axiom opp_le_compat : forall i j, i<=j -> (-j)<=(-i).
Axiom mult_lt_compat_l :
forall i j k, 0 < k -> i < j -> k*i<k*j.
We should have a way to decide the equality and the order
Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison.
Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity) : Int_scope.
Axiom compare_Eq : forall i j, compare i j = Eq <-> i=j.
Axiom compare_Lt : forall i j, compare i j = Lt <-> i<j.
Axiom compare_Gt : forall i j, compare i j = Gt <-> i>j.
Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity) : Int_scope.
Axiom compare_Eq : forall i j, compare i j = Eq <-> i=j.
Axiom compare_Lt : forall i j, compare i j = Lt <-> i<j.
Axiom compare_Gt : forall i j, compare i j = Gt <-> i>j.
Up to here, these requirements could be fulfilled
by any totally ordered ring. Let's now be int-specific:
Btw, lt_0_1 could be deduced from this last axiom
Now we also require a division function.
It is deliberately underspecified, since that's enough
for the proofs below. But the most appropriate variant
(and the one needed to stay in sync with the omega engine)
is "Floor" (the historical version of Coq's Z.div).
Parameter diveucl : t -> t -> t * t.
Notation "i / j" := (fst (diveucl i j)).
Notation "i 'mod' j" := (snd (diveucl i j)).
Axiom diveucl_spec :
forall i j, j<>0 -> i = j * (i/j) + (i mod j).
End Int.
Of course, Z is a model for our abstract int
Module Z_as_Int <: Int.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Definition t := Z.
Definition zero := 0.
Definition one := 1.
Definition plus := Z.add.
Definition opp := Z.opp.
Definition minus := Z.sub.
Definition mult := Z.mul.
Lemma ring : @ring_theory t zero one plus mult minus opp (@eq t).
Definition le := Z.le.
Definition lt :=
Definition ge :=
Definition gt :=
Definition le_lt_iff := Z.le_ngt.
Definition ge_le_iff := Z.ge_le_iff.
Definition gt_lt_iff := Z.gt_lt_iff.
Definition lt_trans := Z.lt_trans.
Definition lt_not_eq := Z.lt_neq.
Definition lt_0_1 := Z.lt_0_1.
Definition plus_le_compat := Z.add_le_mono.
Definition mult_lt_compat_l := Zmult_lt_compat_l.
Lemma opp_le_compat i j : i<=j -> (-j)<=(-i).
Definition compare :=
Definition compare_Eq := Z.compare_eq_iff.
Lemma compare_Lt i j : compare i j = Lt <-> i<j.
Lemma compare_Gt i j : compare i j = Gt <-> i>j.
Definition le_lt_int := Z.lt_le_pred.
Definition diveucl := Z.div_eucl.
Definition diveucl_spec := Z.div_mod.
End Z_as_Int.
Primo, some consequences of being a ring theory...
Aliases for properties packed in the ring record.
Definition plus_assoc := ring.(Radd_assoc).
Definition plus_comm := ring.(Radd_comm).
Definition plus_0_l := ring.(Radd_0_l).
Definition mult_assoc := ring.(Rmul_assoc).
Definition mult_comm := ring.(Rmul_comm).
Definition mult_1_l := ring.(Rmul_1_l).
Definition mult_plus_distr_r := ring.(Rdistr_l).
Definition opp_def := ring.(Ropp_def).
Definition minus_def := ring.(Rsub_def).
Opaque plus_assoc plus_comm plus_0_l mult_assoc mult_comm mult_1_l
mult_plus_distr_r opp_def minus_def.
More facts about plus
Lemma plus_0_r : forall x, x+0 = x.
Lemma plus_permute : forall x y z, x+(y+z) = y+(x+z).
Lemma plus_reg_l : forall x y z, x+y = x+z -> y = z.
More facts about mult
Lemma mult_plus_distr_l : forall x y z, x*(y+z)=x*y+x*z.
Lemma mult_0_l x : 0*x = 0.
Lemma mult_0_r x : x*0 = 0.
Lemma mult_1_r x : x*1 = x.
More facts about opp
Definition plus_opp_r := opp_def.
Lemma plus_opp_l : forall x, -x + x = 0.
Lemma mult_opp_comm : forall x y, - x * y = x * - y.
Lemma opp_eq_mult_neg_1 : forall x, -x = x * -(1).
Lemma opp_involutive : forall x, -(-x) = x.
Lemma opp_plus_distr : forall x y, -(x+y) = -x + -y.
Lemma opp_mult_distr_r : forall x y, -(x*y) = x * -y.
Lemma egal_left n m : 0 = n+-m <-> n = m.
Specialized distributivities
Hint Rewrite mult_plus_distr_l mult_plus_distr_r mult_assoc : int.
Hint Rewrite <- plus_assoc : int.
Hint Rewrite plus_0_l plus_0_r mult_0_l mult_0_r mult_1_l mult_1_r : int.
Lemma OMEGA10 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k1 k2 :
v * (c1 * k1 + c2 * k2) + (l1 * k1 + l2 * k2) =
(v * c1 + l1) * k1 + (v * c2 + l2) * k2.
Lemma OMEGA11 v1 c1 l1 l2 k1 :
v1 * (c1 * k1) + (l1 * k1 + l2) = (v1 * c1 + l1) * k1 + l2.
Lemma OMEGA12 v2 c2 l1 l2 k2 :
v2 * (c2 * k2) + (l1 + l2 * k2) = l1 + (v2 * c2 + l2) * k2.
Lemma sum1 a b c d : 0 = a -> 0 = b -> 0 = a * c + b * d.
Secondo, some results about order (and equality)
Lemma lt_irrefl : forall n, ~ n<n.
Lemma lt_antisym : forall n m, n<m -> m<n -> False.
Lemma lt_le_weak : forall n m, n<m -> n<=m.
Lemma le_refl : forall n, n<=n.
Lemma le_antisym : forall n m, n<=m -> m<=n -> n=m.
Lemma lt_eq_lt_dec : forall n m, { n<m }+{ n=m }+{ m<n }.
Lemma lt_dec : forall n m: int, { n<m } + { ~n<m }.
Lemma lt_le_iff : forall n m, (n<m) <-> ~(m<=n).
Lemma le_dec : forall n m: int, { n<=m } + { ~n<=m }.
Lemma le_lt_dec : forall n m, { n<=m } + { m<n }.
Definition beq i j := match compare i j with Eq => true | _ => false end.
Infix "=?" := beq : Int_scope.
Lemma beq_iff i j : (i =? j) = true <-> i=j.
Lemma beq_reflect i j : reflect (i=j) (i =? j).
Lemma eq_dec : forall n m:int, { n=m } + { n<>m }.
Definition blt i j := match compare i j with Lt => true | _ => false end.
Infix "<?" := blt : Int_scope.
Lemma blt_iff i j : (i <? j) = true <-> i<j.
Lemma blt_reflect i j : reflect (i<j) (i <? j).
Lemma le_is_lt_or_eq : forall n m, n<=m -> { n<m } + { n=m }.
Lemma le_neq_lt : forall n m, n<=m -> n<>m -> n<m.
Lemma le_trans : forall n m p, n<=m -> m<=p -> n<=p.
Lemma not_eq (a b:int) : ~ a <> b <-> a = b.
Order and operations
Lemma le_0_neg n : n <= 0 <-> 0 <= -n.
Lemma plus_le_reg_r : forall n m p, n + p <= m + p -> n <= m.
Lemma plus_le_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n<=m -> p<q -> n+p<m+q.
Lemma plus_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n<m -> p<q -> n+p<m+q.
Lemma opp_lt_compat : forall n m, n<m -> -m < -n.
Lemma lt_0_neg n : n < 0 <-> 0 < -n.
Lemma mult_lt_0_compat : forall n m, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n*m.
Lemma mult_integral_r n m : 0 < n -> n * m = 0 -> m = 0.
Lemma mult_integral n m : n * m = 0 -> n = 0 \/ m = 0.
Lemma mult_le_compat_l i j k :
0<=k -> i<=j -> k*i <= k*j.
Lemma mult_le_compat i j k l :
i<=j -> k<=l -> 0<=i -> 0<=k -> i*k<=j*l.
Lemma sum5 a b c d : 0 <> c -> 0 <> a -> 0 = b -> 0 <> a * c + b * d.
Lemma le_left n m : n <= m <-> 0 <= m + - n.
Lemma OMEGA8 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x = - y -> x = 0.
Lemma sum2 a b c d :
0 <= d -> 0 = a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a * c + b * d.
Lemma sum3 a b c d :
0 <= c -> 0 <= d -> 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a * c + b * d.
Lemmas specific to integers (they use le_lt_int)
Lemma lt_left n m : n < m <-> 0 <= m + -n + -(1).
Lemma OMEGA4 x y z : 0 < x -> x < y -> z * y + x <> 0.
Lemma OMEGA19 x : x<>0 -> 0 <= x + -(1) \/ 0 <= x * -(1) + -(1).
Lemma mult_le_approx n m p :
0 < n -> p < n -> 0 <= m * n + p -> 0 <= m.
Some decidabilities
Lemma dec_eq : forall i j:int, decidable (i=j).
Lemma dec_ne : forall i j:int, decidable (i<>j).
Lemma dec_le : forall i j:int, decidable (i<=j).
Lemma dec_lt : forall i j:int, decidable (i<j).
Lemma dec_ge : forall i j:int, decidable (i>=j).
Lemma dec_gt : forall i j:int, decidable (i>j).
End IntProperties.
Module IntOmega (I:Int).
Import I.
Module IP:=IntProperties(I).
Import IP.
Inductive term : Set :=
| Tint : int -> term
| Tplus : term -> term -> term
| Tmult : term -> term -> term
| Tminus : term -> term -> term
| Topp : term -> term
| Tvar : N -> term.
Delimit Scope romega_scope with term.
Infix "+" := Tplus : romega_scope.
Infix "*" := Tmult : romega_scope.
Infix "-" := Tminus : romega_scope.
Notation "- x" := (Topp x) : romega_scope.
Notation "[ x ]" := (Tvar x) (at level 0) : romega_scope.
Inductive proposition : Set :=
First, basic equations, disequations, inequations
| EqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| NeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| LeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| GeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| GtTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| LtTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| NeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| LeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| GeqTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| GtTerm : term -> term -> proposition
| LtTerm : term -> term -> proposition
Then, the supported logical connectors
| TrueTerm : proposition
| FalseTerm : proposition
| Tnot : proposition -> proposition
| Tor : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
| Tand : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
| Timp : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
| FalseTerm : proposition
| Tnot : proposition -> proposition
| Tor : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
| Tand : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
| Timp : proposition -> proposition -> proposition
Everything else is left as a propositional atom (and ignored).
Definition of goals as a list of hypothesis
Definition of lists of subgoals (set of open goals)
A single goal packed in a subgoal list
An absurd goal
Fixpoint eq_term (t1 t2 : term) {struct t2} : bool :=
match t1, t2 with
| Tint i1, Tint i2 => i1 =? i2
| (t11 + t12), (t21 + t22) => eq_term t11 t21 && eq_term t12 t22
| (t11 * t12), (t21 * t22) => eq_term t11 t21 && eq_term t12 t22
| (t11 - t12), (t21 - t22) => eq_term t11 t21 && eq_term t12 t22
| (- t1), (- t2) => eq_term t1 t2
| [v1], [v2] => N.eqb v1 v2
| _, _ => false
Infix "=?" := eq_term : romega_scope.
Theorem eq_term_iff (t t' : term) :
(t =? t')%term = true <-> t = t'.
Theorem eq_term_reflect (t t' : term) : reflect (t=t') (t =? t')%term.
Fixpoint Nnth {A} (n:N)(l:list A)(default:A) :=
match n, l with
| _, nil => default
| 0%N, x::_ => x
| _, _::l => Nnth (N.pred n) l default
Fixpoint interp_term (env : list int) (t : term) : int :=
match t with
| Tint x => x
| (t1 + t2)%term => interp_term env t1 + interp_term env t2
| (t1 * t2)%term => interp_term env t1 * interp_term env t2
| (t1 - t2)%term => interp_term env t1 - interp_term env t2
| (- t)%term => - interp_term env t
| [n]%term => Nnth n env 0
Fixpoint interp_prop (envp : list Prop) (env : list int)
(p : proposition) : Prop :=
match p with
| EqTerm t1 t2 => interp_term env t1 = interp_term env t2
| NeqTerm t1 t2 => (interp_term env t1) <> (interp_term env t2)
| LeqTerm t1 t2 => interp_term env t1 <= interp_term env t2
| GeqTerm t1 t2 => interp_term env t1 >= interp_term env t2
| GtTerm t1 t2 => interp_term env t1 > interp_term env t2
| LtTerm t1 t2 => interp_term env t1 < interp_term env t2
| TrueTerm => True
| FalseTerm => False
| Tnot p' => ~ interp_prop envp env p'
| Tor p1 p2 => interp_prop envp env p1 \/ interp_prop envp env p2
| Tand p1 p2 => interp_prop envp env p1 /\ interp_prop envp env p2
| Timp p1 p2 => interp_prop envp env p1 -> interp_prop envp env p2
| Tprop n => nth n envp True
Fixpoint interp_hyps (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : hyps)
: Prop :=
match l with
| nil => True
| p' :: l' => interp_prop envp env p' /\ interp_hyps envp env l'
Interpretation of conclusion + hypotheses
Fixpoint interp_goal_concl (c : proposition) (envp : list Prop)
(env : list int) (l : hyps) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => interp_prop envp env c
| p' :: l' =>
interp_prop envp env p' -> interp_goal_concl c envp env l'
Notation interp_goal := (interp_goal_concl FalseTerm).
Equivalence between these two interpretations.
Theorem goal_to_hyps :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : hyps),
(interp_hyps envp env l -> False) -> interp_goal envp env l.
Theorem hyps_to_goal :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : hyps),
interp_goal envp env l -> interp_hyps envp env l -> False.
Fixpoint interp_list_hyps (envp : list Prop) (env : list int)
(l : lhyps) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => False
| h :: l' => interp_hyps envp env h \/ interp_list_hyps envp env l'
Fixpoint interp_list_goal (envp : list Prop) (env : list int)
(l : lhyps) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => True
| h :: l' => interp_goal envp env h /\ interp_list_goal envp env l'
Equivalence between the two flavours.
Theorem list_goal_to_hyps :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : lhyps),
(interp_list_hyps envp env l -> False) -> interp_list_goal envp env l.
Theorem list_hyps_to_goal :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : lhyps),
interp_list_goal envp env l -> interp_list_hyps envp env l -> False.
Stabiliy and validity of operations
Definition term_stable (f : term -> term) :=
forall (e : list int) (t : term), interp_term e t = interp_term e (f t).
An operation on one hypothesis is valid if this hypothesis implies
the result of this operation.
Definition valid1 (f : proposition -> proposition) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (p1 : proposition),
interp_prop ep e p1 -> interp_prop ep e (f p1).
Definition valid2 (f : proposition -> proposition -> proposition) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (p1 p2 : proposition),
interp_prop ep e p1 ->
interp_prop ep e p2 -> interp_prop ep e (f p1 p2).
Same for lists of hypotheses, and for list of goals
Definition valid_hyps (f : hyps -> hyps) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (lp : hyps),
interp_hyps ep e lp -> interp_hyps ep e (f lp).
Definition valid_list_hyps (f : hyps -> lhyps) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (lp : hyps),
interp_hyps ep e lp -> interp_list_hyps ep e (f lp).
Definition valid_list_goal (f : hyps -> lhyps) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (lp : hyps),
interp_list_goal ep e (f lp) -> interp_goal ep e lp.
Some results about these validities.
Theorem valid_goal :
forall (ep : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : hyps) (a : hyps -> hyps),
valid_hyps a -> interp_goal ep env (a l) -> interp_goal ep env l.
Theorem goal_valid :
forall f : hyps -> lhyps, valid_list_hyps f -> valid_list_goal f.
Theorem append_valid :
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (l1 l2 : lhyps),
interp_list_hyps ep e l1 \/ interp_list_hyps ep e l2 ->
interp_list_hyps ep e (l1 ++ l2).
Definition nth_hyps (n : nat) (l : hyps) := nth n l TrueTerm.
Theorem nth_valid :
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (i : nat) (l : hyps),
interp_hyps ep e l -> interp_prop ep e (nth_hyps i l).
Apply a valid operation on two hypotheses from the list, and
store the result in the list.
Definition apply_oper_2 (i j : nat)
(f : proposition -> proposition -> proposition) (l : hyps) :=
f (nth_hyps i l) (nth_hyps j l) :: l.
Theorem apply_oper_2_valid :
forall (i j : nat) (f : proposition -> proposition -> proposition),
valid2 f -> valid_hyps (apply_oper_2 i j f).
In-place modification of an hypothesis by application of
a valid operation.
Fixpoint apply_oper_1 (i : nat) (f : proposition -> proposition)
(l : hyps) {struct i} : hyps :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| p :: l' =>
match i with
| O => f p :: l'
| S j => p :: apply_oper_1 j f l'
Theorem apply_oper_1_valid :
forall (i : nat) (f : proposition -> proposition),
valid1 f -> valid_hyps (apply_oper_1 i f).
Ltac loop t :=
match t with
| (?X1 = ?X2) => loop X1 || loop X2
| (_ -> ?X1) => loop X1
| (interp_hyps _ _ ?X1) => loop X1
| (interp_list_hyps _ _ ?X1) => loop X1
| (interp_prop _ _ ?X1) => loop X1
| (interp_term _ ?X1) => loop X1
| (EqTerm ?X1 ?X2) => loop X1 || loop X2
| (LeqTerm ?X1 ?X2) => loop X1 || loop X2
| (?X1 + ?X2)%term => loop X1 || loop X2
| (?X1 - ?X2)%term => loop X1 || loop X2
| (?X1 * ?X2)%term => loop X1 || loop X2
| (- ?X1)%term => loop X1
| (Tint ?X1) => loop X1
| (if ?X1 =? ?X2 then _ else _) =>
let H := fresh "H" in
case (beq_reflect X1 X2); intro H;
try (rewrite H in *; clear H); simpl; auto; Simplify
| (if ?X1 <? ?X2 then _ else _) =>
case (blt_reflect X1 X2); intro; simpl; auto; Simplify
| (if (?X1 =? ?X2)%term then _ else _) =>
let H := fresh "H" in
case (eq_term_reflect X1 X2); intro H;
try (rewrite H in *; clear H); simpl; auto; Simplify
| (if _ && _ then _ else _) => rewrite andb_if; Simplify
| (if negb _ then _ else _) => rewrite negb_if; Simplify
| match ?X1 ?X2 with _ => _ end =>
destruct (N.compare_spec X1 X2); Simplify
| match ?X1 with _ => _ end => destruct X1; auto; Simplify
| _ => fail
with Simplify := match goal with
| |- ?X1 => try loop X1
| _ => idtac
Operations on equation bodies
Fixpoint scalar_mult_add (t : term) (k1 k2 : int) : term :=
match t with
| v1 * Tint x1 + l1 =>
v1 * Tint (x1 * k1) + scalar_mult_add l1 k1 k2
| Tint x => Tint (k1 * x + k2)
| _ => t * Tint k1 + Tint k2
Theorem scalar_mult_add_stable e t k1 k2 :
interp_term e (scalar_mult_add t k1 k2) =
interp_term e (t * Tint k1 + Tint k2).
Multiplication by a (non-nul) constant.
Definition scalar_mult (t : term) (k : int) := scalar_mult_add t k 0.
Theorem scalar_mult_stable e t k :
interp_term e (scalar_mult t k) =
interp_term e (t * Tint k).
Adding a constant
Instead of using scalar_norm_add t 1 k, the following
definition spares some computations.
Fixpoint scalar_add (t : term) (k : int) : term :=
match t with
| m + l => m + scalar_add l k
| Tint x => Tint (x + k)
| _ => t + Tint k
Theorem scalar_add_stable e t k :
interp_term e (scalar_add t k) = interp_term e (t + Tint k).
Division by a constant
All the non-constant coefficients should be exactly dividable
Fixpoint scalar_div (t : term) (k : int) : option (term * int) :=
match t with
| v * Tint x + l =>
let (q,r) := diveucl x k in
if (r =? 0)%I then
match scalar_div l k with
| None => None
| Some (u,c) => Some (v * Tint q + u, c)
else None
| Tint x =>
let (q,r) := diveucl x k in
Some (Tint q, r)
| _ => None
Lemma scalar_div_stable e t k u c : k<>0 ->
scalar_div t k = Some (u,c) ->
interp_term e (u * Tint k + Tint c) = interp_term e t.
Fusion of two equations.
From two normalized equations, this fusion will produce
a normalized output corresponding to the coefficiented sum.
Invariant: k1<>0 and k2<>0.
Fixpoint fusion (t1 t2 : term) (k1 k2 : int) : term :=
match t1 with
| [v1] * Tint x1 + l1 =>
(fix fusion_t1 t2 : term :=
match t2 with
| [v2] * Tint x2 + l2 =>
match v1 v2 with
| Eq =>
let k := (k1 * x1 + k2 * x2)%I in
if (k =? 0)%I then fusion l1 l2 k1 k2
else [v1] * Tint k + fusion l1 l2 k1 k2
| Lt => [v2] * Tint (k2 * x2) + fusion_t1 l2
| Gt => [v1] * Tint (k1 * x1) + fusion l1 t2 k1 k2
| Tint x2 => [v1] * Tint (k1 * x1) + fusion l1 t2 k1 k2
| _ => t1 * Tint k1 + t2 * Tint k2
end) t2
| Tint x1 => scalar_mult_add t2 k2 (k1 * x1)
| _ => t1 * Tint k1 + t2 * Tint k2
Theorem fusion_stable e t1 t2 k1 k2 :
interp_term e (fusion t1 t2 k1 k2) =
interp_term e (t1 * Tint k1 + t2 * Tint k2).
Term normalization.
Precondition: all Tmult should be on at least one Tint.
Postcondition: a normalized equivalent term (see below).
Fixpoint normalize t :=
match t with
| Tint n => Tint n
| [n]%term => ([n] * Tint 1 + Tint 0)%term
| (t + t')%term => fusion (normalize t) (normalize t') 1 1
| (- t)%term => scalar_mult (normalize t) (-(1))
| (t - t')%term => fusion (normalize t) (normalize t') 1 (-(1))
| (Tint k * t)%term | (t * Tint k)%term =>
if k =? 0 then Tint 0 else scalar_mult (normalize t) k
| (t1 * t2)%term => (t1 * t2)%term
Theorem normalize_stable : term_stable normalize.
Normalization of a proposition.
Fixpoint normalize_prop (negated:bool)(p:proposition) :=
match p with
| EqTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (NeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2)))
else EqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2))
| NeqTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (EqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2)))
else NeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2))
| LeqTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2+Tint (-(1)))))
else LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t2-t1))
| GeqTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t2-t1+Tint (-(1)))))
else LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2))
| LtTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2)))
else LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t2-t1+Tint (-(1))))
| GtTerm t1 t2 =>
if negated then Tnot (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t2-t1)))
else LeqTerm (Tint 0) (normalize (t1-t2+Tint (-(1))))
| Tnot p => Tnot (normalize_prop (negb negated) p)
| Tor p p' => Tor (normalize_prop negated p) (normalize_prop negated p')
| Tand p p' => Tand (normalize_prop negated p) (normalize_prop negated p')
| Timp p p' => Timp (normalize_prop (negb negated) p)
(normalize_prop negated p')
| Tprop _ | TrueTerm | FalseTerm => p
Definition normalize_hyps := (normalize_prop false).
Local Ltac simp := cbn -[normalize].
Theorem normalize_prop_valid b e ep p :
interp_prop e ep (normalize_prop b p) <-> interp_prop e ep p.
Theorem normalize_hyps_valid : valid_hyps normalize_hyps.
Theorem normalize_hyps_goal (ep : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : hyps) :
interp_goal ep env (normalize_hyps l) -> interp_goal ep env l.
A simple decidability checker
Fixpoint decidability (p : proposition) : bool :=
match p with
| Tnot t => decidability t
| Tand t1 t2 => decidability t1 && decidability t2
| Timp t1 t2 => decidability t1 && decidability t2
| Tor t1 t2 => decidability t1 && decidability t2
| Tprop _ => false
| _ => true
Theorem decidable_correct :
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (p : proposition),
decidability p = true -> decidable (interp_prop ep e p).
Omega steps
- O_BAD_CONSTANT i : hypothesis i has a constant body and this constant is not compatible with the kind of i.
- O_NOT_EXACT_DIVIDE i k : equation i can be factorized as some k*t+c with 0<c<k.
- O_DIVIDE i k cont : the body of hypothesis i could be factorized as k*t+c with either k<>0 and c=0 for a (dis)equation, or 0<k and c<k for an inequation. We change in-place the body of i for t.
- O_SUM k1 i1 k2 i2 cont : creates a new hypothesis whose kind depends on the kind of hypotheses i1 and i2, and whose body is k1*body(i1) + k2*body(i2). Depending of the situation, k1 or k2 might have to be positive or non-nul.
- O_MERGE_EQ i j cont : inequations i and j have opposite bodies, we add an equation with one these bodies.
- O_SPLIT_INEQ i cont1 cont2 : disequation i is split into a disjonction of inequations.
Index of an hypothesis in the list
Inductive t_omega : Set :=
| O_BAD_CONSTANT : idx -> t_omega
| O_NOT_EXACT_DIVIDE : idx -> int -> t_omega
| O_DIVIDE : idx -> int -> t_omega -> t_omega
| O_SUM : int -> idx -> int -> idx -> t_omega -> t_omega
| O_MERGE_EQ : idx -> idx -> t_omega -> t_omega
| O_SPLIT_INEQ : idx -> t_omega -> t_omega -> t_omega.
Actual resolution steps of an omega normalized goal
Definition bad_constant (i : nat) (h : hyps) :=
match nth_hyps i h with
| EqTerm (Tint Nul) (Tint n) => if n =? Nul then h else absurd
| NeqTerm (Tint Nul) (Tint n) => if n =? Nul then absurd else h
| LeqTerm (Tint Nul) (Tint n) => if n <? Nul then absurd else h
| _ => h
Theorem bad_constant_valid i : valid_hyps (bad_constant i).
Definition not_exact_divide (i : nat) (k : int) (l : hyps) :=
match nth_hyps i l with
| EqTerm (Tint Nul) b =>
match scalar_div b k with
| Some (body,c) =>
if (Nul =? 0) && (0 <? c) && (c <? k) then absurd
else l
| None => l
| _ => l
Theorem not_exact_divide_valid i k :
valid_hyps (not_exact_divide i k).
Now, the steps generating a new equation.
Definition divide (k : int) (prop : proposition) :=
match prop with
| EqTerm (Tint o) b =>
match scalar_div b k with
| Some (body,c) =>
if (o =? 0) && (c =? 0) && negb (k =? 0)
then EqTerm (Tint 0) body
else TrueTerm
| None => TrueTerm
| NeqTerm (Tint o) b =>
match scalar_div b k with
| Some (body,c) =>
if (o =? 0) && (c =? 0) && negb (k =? 0)
then NeqTerm (Tint 0) body
else TrueTerm
| None => TrueTerm
| LeqTerm (Tint o) b =>
match scalar_div b k with
| Some (body,c) =>
if (o =? 0) && (0 <? k) && (c <? k)
then LeqTerm (Tint 0) body
else prop
| None => prop
| _ => TrueTerm
Theorem divide_valid k : valid1 (divide k).
O_SUM. Invariant: k1 and k2 non-nul.
Definition sum (k1 k2 : int) (prop1 prop2 : proposition) :=
match prop1 with
| EqTerm (Tint o) b1 =>
match prop2 with
| EqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o =? 0) && (o' =? 0)
then EqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| LeqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o =? 0) && (o' =? 0) && (0 <? k2)
then LeqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| NeqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o =? 0) && (o' =? 0) && negb (k2 =? 0)
then NeqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
| LeqTerm (Tint o) b1 =>
if (o =? 0) && (0 <? k1)
then match prop2 with
| EqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if o' =? 0 then
LeqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| LeqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o' =? 0) && (0 <? k2)
then LeqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
else TrueTerm
| NeqTerm (Tint o) b1 =>
match prop2 with
| EqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o =? 0) && (o' =? 0) && negb (k1 =? 0)
then NeqTerm (Tint 0) (fusion b1 b2 k1 k2)
else TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
Theorem sum_valid :
forall (k1 k2 : int), valid2 (sum k1 k2).
Definition merge_eq (prop1 prop2 : proposition) :=
match prop1 with
| LeqTerm (Tint o) b1 =>
match prop2 with
| LeqTerm (Tint o') b2 =>
if (o =? 0) && (o' =? 0) &&
(b1 =? scalar_mult b2 (-(1)))%term
then EqTerm (Tint 0) b1
else TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
| _ => TrueTerm
Theorem merge_eq_valid : valid2 merge_eq.
O_SPLIT_INEQ (only step to produce two subgoals).
Definition split_ineq (i : nat) (f1 f2 : hyps -> lhyps) (l : hyps) :=
match nth_hyps i l with
| NeqTerm (Tint o) b1 =>
if o =? 0 then
f1 (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (scalar_add b1 (-(1))) :: l) ++
f2 (LeqTerm (Tint 0) (scalar_mult_add b1 (-(1)) (-(1))) :: l)
else l :: nil
| _ => l :: nil
Theorem split_ineq_valid :
forall (i : nat) (f1 f2 : hyps -> lhyps),
valid_list_hyps f1 ->
valid_list_hyps f2 -> valid_list_hyps (split_ineq i f1 f2).
Fixpoint execute_omega (t : t_omega) (l : hyps) : lhyps :=
match t with
| O_BAD_CONSTANT i => singleton (bad_constant i l)
| O_NOT_EXACT_DIVIDE i k => singleton (not_exact_divide i k l)
| O_DIVIDE i k cont =>
execute_omega cont (apply_oper_1 i (divide k) l)
| O_SUM k1 i1 k2 i2 cont =>
execute_omega cont (apply_oper_2 i1 i2 (sum k1 k2) l)
| O_MERGE_EQ i1 i2 cont =>
execute_omega cont (apply_oper_2 i1 i2 merge_eq l)
| O_SPLIT_INEQ i cont1 cont2 =>
split_ineq i (execute_omega cont1) (execute_omega cont2) l
Theorem omega_valid : forall tr : t_omega, valid_list_hyps (execute_omega tr).
Rules for decomposing the hypothesis
This type allows extracting useful components from hypothesis, either
hypothesis generated by splitting a disjonction, or equations.
The last constructor indicates how to solve the obtained system
via the use of the trace type of Omega t_omega
Inductive e_step : Set :=
| E_SPLIT : nat -> list direction -> e_step -> e_step -> e_step
| E_EXTRACT : nat -> list direction -> e_step -> e_step
| E_SOLVE : t_omega -> e_step.
Selection of a basic fact inside an hypothesis.
Fixpoint extract_hyp_pos (s : list direction) (p : proposition) :
proposition :=
match p, s with
| Tand x y, D_left :: l => extract_hyp_pos l x
| Tand x y, D_right :: l => extract_hyp_pos l y
| Tnot x, _ => extract_hyp_neg s x
| _, _ => p
with extract_hyp_neg (s : list direction) (p : proposition) :
proposition :=
match p, s with
| Tor x y, D_left :: l => extract_hyp_neg l x
| Tor x y, D_right :: l => extract_hyp_neg l y
| Timp x y, D_left :: l =>
if decidability x then extract_hyp_pos l x else Tnot p
| Timp x y, D_right :: l => extract_hyp_neg l y
| Tnot x, _ => if decidability x then extract_hyp_pos s x else Tnot p
| _, _ => Tnot p
Theorem extract_valid :
forall s : list direction, valid1 (extract_hyp_pos s).
Attempt to shorten error messages if romega goes rogue...
NB: interp_list_goal _ _ BUG = False /\ True.
Split and extract in hypotheses
Fixpoint decompose_solve (s : e_step) (h : hyps) : lhyps :=
match s with
| E_SPLIT i dl s1 s2 =>
match extract_hyp_pos dl (nth_hyps i h) with
| Tor x y => decompose_solve s1 (x :: h) ++ decompose_solve s2 (y :: h)
| Tnot (Tand x y) =>
if decidability x
decompose_solve s1 (Tnot x :: h) ++
decompose_solve s2 (Tnot y :: h)
else BUG
| Timp x y =>
if decidability x then
decompose_solve s1 (Tnot x :: h) ++ decompose_solve s2 (y :: h)
else BUG
| _ => BUG
| E_EXTRACT i dl s1 =>
decompose_solve s1 (extract_hyp_pos dl (nth_hyps i h) :: h)
| E_SOLVE t => execute_omega t h
Theorem decompose_solve_valid (s : e_step) :
valid_list_goal (decompose_solve s).
Reduction of subgoal list by discarding the contradictory subgoals.
Definition valid_lhyps (f : lhyps -> lhyps) :=
forall (ep : list Prop) (e : list int) (lp : lhyps),
interp_list_hyps ep e lp -> interp_list_hyps ep e (f lp).
Fixpoint reduce_lhyps (lp : lhyps) : lhyps :=
match lp with
| nil => nil
| (FalseTerm :: nil) :: lp' => reduce_lhyps lp'
| x :: lp' => BUG
Theorem reduce_lhyps_valid : valid_lhyps reduce_lhyps.
Theorem do_reduce_lhyps :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (l : lhyps),
interp_list_goal envp env (reduce_lhyps l) -> interp_list_goal envp env l.
Pushing the conclusion into the hypotheses.
Definition concl_to_hyp (p : proposition) :=
if decidability p then Tnot p else TrueTerm.
Definition do_concl_to_hyp :
forall (envp : list Prop) (env : list int) (c : proposition) (l : hyps),
interp_goal envp env (concl_to_hyp c :: l) ->
interp_goal_concl c envp env l.
The omega tactic : all steps together
Definition omega_tactic (t1 : e_step) (c : proposition) (l : hyps) :=
reduce_lhyps (decompose_solve t1 (normalize_hyps (concl_to_hyp c :: l))).
Theorem do_omega :
forall (t : e_step) (envp : list Prop)
(env : list int) (c : proposition) (l : hyps),
interp_list_goal envp env (omega_tactic t c l) ->
interp_goal_concl c envp env l.
End IntOmega.
For now, the above modular construction is instanciated on Z,
in order to retrieve the initial ROmega.