Library Coq.Reals.Cauchy.ConstructiveRcomplete

Require Import QArith_base.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import ConstructiveReals.
Require Import ConstructiveCauchyRealsMult.
Require Import Logic.ConstructiveEpsilon.
Require Import ConstructiveCauchyAbs.

Proof that Cauchy reals are Cauchy-complete.
WARNING: this file is experimental and likely to change in future releases.

Local Open Scope CReal_scope.

Definition seq_cv (un : nat -> CReal) (l : CReal) : Set
  := forall p : positive,
    { n : nat | forall i:nat, le n i -> CReal_abs (un i - l) <= inject_Q (1#p) }.

Definition Un_cauchy_mod (un : nat -> CReal) : Set
  := forall p : positive,
    { n : nat | forall i j:nat, le n i -> le n j
                       -> CReal_abs (un i - un j) <= inject_Q (1#p) }.

Lemma seq_cv_proper : forall (un : nat -> CReal) (a b : CReal),
    seq_cv un a
    -> a == b
    -> seq_cv un b.

Instance seq_cv_morph
  : forall (un : nat -> CReal), CMorphisms.Proper
      (CMorphisms.respectful CRealEq CRelationClasses.iffT) (seq_cv un).

Definition Rfloor (a : CReal)
  : { p : Z & inject_Q (p#1) < a < inject_Q (p#1) + 2 }.

Definition FQ_dense (a b : CReal)
  : a < b -> { q : Q & a < inject_Q q < b }.

Lemma Qabs_Rabs : forall q : Q,
    inject_Q (Qabs q) == CReal_abs (inject_Q q).

Lemma CReal_cv_self : forall (x : CReal) (n : positive),
    CReal_abs (x - inject_Q (proj1_sig x n)) <= inject_Q (1#n).

Lemma Rcauchy_limit : forall (xn : nat -> CReal) (xcau : Un_cauchy_mod xn),
      (fun n : positive =>
         let (p, _) := xcau (4 * n)%positive in proj1_sig (xn p) (4 * n)%positive).

Lemma Rcauchy_complete : forall (xn : nat -> CReal),
    Un_cauchy_mod xn
    -> { l : CReal & seq_cv xn l }.

Lemma CRealLtIsLinear : isLinearOrder CRealLt.

Lemma CRealAbsLUB : forall x y : CReal,
  x <= y /\ (- x) <= y <-> (CReal_abs x) <= y.

Lemma CRealComplete : forall xn : nat -> CReal,
  (forall p : positive,
   {n : nat |
   forall i j : nat,
   (n <= i)%nat -> (n <= j)%nat -> (CReal_abs (xn i + - xn j)) <= (inject_Q (1 # p))}) ->
  {l : CReal &
  forall p : positive,
  {n : nat |
  forall i : nat, (n <= i)%nat -> (CReal_abs (xn i + - l)) <= (inject_Q (1 # p))}}.

Definition CRealConstructive : ConstructiveReals
  := Build_ConstructiveReals
       CReal CRealLt CRealLtIsLinear CRealLtProp
       CRealLtEpsilon CRealLtForget CRealLtDisjunctEpsilon
       inject_Q inject_Q_lt lt_inject_Q
       CReal_plus CReal_opp CReal_mult
       inject_Q_plus inject_Q_mult
       CReal_isRing CReal_isRingExt CRealLt_0_1
       CReal_plus_lt_compat_l CReal_plus_lt_reg_l
       CReal_inv CReal_inv_l CReal_inv_0_lt_compat
       CRealQ_dense Rup_pos CReal_abs CRealAbsLUB CRealComplete.